
Jun 18, 2024

Pride: Guarantee Destruction

Pride: Guarantee Destruction

In the Bible, pride is often depicted as the root of many evils and the beginning of a fall from grace. The story of Lucifer, once a magnificent angel, who was cast out of heaven because of his pride, is a powerful illustration of this. In his desire to exalt himself above God, Lucifer's pride led to his ultimate downfall. Similarly, Adam and Eve's decision to eat from the Tree of Knowledge was driven by the prideful desire to be like God, knowing good and evil. This act of disobedience introduced sin into the world, illustrating that pride is not just an isolated vice but the foundation of humanity's rebellion against God.

Pride, in its essence, elevates the self above the divine order, challenging the authority and wisdom of God. The Book of Proverbs warns, "Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall" (Proverbs 16:18). This verse encapsulates the biblical perspective that pride leads to downfall, highlighting the importance of humility and submission to God's will.

Fast forward to modern times, the United States, once a nation deeply rooted in Judeo-Christian values, began to shift its stance on the integration of religion and public life. The doctrine of "separation of church and state," which was intended to prevent the establishment of a national religion, has evolved into a broader exclusion of religious principles from public and governmental spheres. This movement reached a critical point in the mid-20th century when prayer was removed from public schools and religious symbols and practices were increasingly scrutinized and removed from public spaces.

This shift was perceived by many as a departure from the foundational values that guided the nation. Removing God from the public sphere has been argued to lead to moral decay and a loss of a collective sense of accountability to a higher power. As secularism grew, the emphasis on individual autonomy and self-determination began to overshadow traditional religious teachings, fostering a culture where personal pride and self-exaltation became more prominent.

The consequences of this departure are evident in the chaos and degradation of society, the rise of crime, and increasing lawlessness. When pride takes root, leading individuals to prioritize their desires over divine and moral laws, societal order begins to unravel. The erosion of religious influence has contributed to a lack of moral compass, resulting in behaviors and attitudes that undermine community and justice. These manifestations are the evil consequences of sin, revealing the dire need for a return to humble submission to God's guidance.

In June, the celebration of Pride Month has become a significant cultural event, highlighting the LGBTQIA+ community's alleged quest for acceptance and equality. However, many churches, in an effort to remain relevant and inclusive, have begun to integrate LGBTQIA+ affirmations and other progressive ideologies into their teachings and practices. This inclusion, while well-intentioned, directly contradicts biblical doctrine, which calls for adherence to God's design and commands.

For those who hold to traditional Christian teachings, this shift represents a profound challenge. The acceptance of such doctrines within the church is seen not as an evolution of understanding but as a departure from the core tenets of the faith. The Bible clearly outlines the sinfulness of pride and the necessity of living in accordance with God's word, not conforming to societal pressures or contemporary trends.


As churches navigate this complex landscape, the challenge remains to uphold the essence of their faith while engaging with the evolving cultural context. The story of pride and its consequences serves as a timeless reminder of the importance of humility and submission to divine authority. In a world increasingly defined by self-expression and personal pride, the biblical call to humility and obedience to God remains as relevant as ever. It is essential for the church to stand firm in its doctrine, resisting the incorporation of ideologies that conflict with its foundational beliefs.


Pride is not just the beginning of a fall, it's guaranteed destruction.


Written by: Michal Russo


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