
Nov 5, 2019

Resolution on Impeachment Inquiry Rules


The House of Representatives officially approved a resolution that will set the rules for the impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump. The measure passed 232 to 196 with all Republicans voting against the resolution along with two Democrats.


The approval of this resolution formalizes the investigation and is the official first step on the path toward impeaching the president.

“I do not take any pleasure in the need for this resolution. We are here because the facts compel us to be here.”— Rep. Jim McGovern, D-Mass.


Republicans accuse the Democrats of violating due process in what they see as a coup led by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff to oust the President.

“A yes vote on this resolution today gives a stamp of approval to a process that has been damaged beyond all repair and a blatant and obvious coup to unseat a sitting president of the United States.” — Rep. Ross Spano, R-Fla.


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